About Us
Our mission is to provide the best possible ammo to our customers.
- Reliable.
- Accurate.
- Affordable.
Gun control according to my Dad meant hitting where you aimed and never aiming at another living creature unless you meant to shoot. To him, good shot placement was the most important aspect of an ethical hunt. A successful stalk, distance appropriate to the hunter and his rifle, good visibility, and time to take a careful shot were what he thought a professional guide should provide to his clients.
There are many other elements to accurate shot placement – a rifle’s action and trigger, fit of the stock, type of optic, choice of cartridge. At Watchdog Survival, we focus on just one of the many elements – the ammunition. A hunter can do everything else well, have a great rifle, be in the right place, take careful aim and still fail if the ammo does not perform. Our match-grade hunting ammo will always do the job!
Watchdog Survival, LLC
Watchdog Survival, LLC was founded in 2014 and manufactures premium rifle and pistol ammunition in Wyoming. Our team members are active hunters and shooters competing in a variety of disciplines.
Competing in pistol matches and selling to other competitive shooters taught us how to produce in quantity at a great price with 100% reliability. Benchrest matches taught the importance of repeatable processes capable of producing consistently tight tolerances at every step. We also learned how to reduce standard deviation and extreme spread in search of accuracy. Hunting a variety of game in many different countries proved the critical importance of matching bullet to purpose. The combination is reflected in all of our rifle and pistol ammo. Before packaging, each batch is test fired and chronographed using a doppler radar at ranges from 15 to 50 yards for pistol rounds and up to 1,000 yards for certain rifle loads. Final quality is measured by actual results in the field and on the firing line.
Our Team
We are proud of our entire team. All of the steps in our manufacturing processes require attention to detail whether setting up the high volume loading presses, positioning the dies and tools to 1/1000 of an inch, performing multiple quality control steps, and finally measuring actual group sizes on targets as close as 15 yards for defensive pistol rounds and up to 1,000 yards for match ammo intended for precision rifle competition.

Gwendolyn Harris
Gwen is a top shooter in local IDPA and IPSC matches and is our computer guru, web designer, and in charge of accounting.

Ray Joseph
In charge of process control and sourcing scarce components, RJ relaxes by hunting anything from prairie dogs to Cape buffalo.

Alena Mike
Testing, packaging, and customer service keep Alena busy when not at the range making tiny groups in IBS matches.